Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009! what a year it was =D

A life-changing year of my life~
- more change than any other year. so much stuff happened - here's only a brief summary of what I can recall now. so blessed. main thing is GOD - he is here for us no matter what. one constant~

• truly accepting god in my life - attending YF/CCCB
• Brothers and sisters in Christ <3
• New job started this month. So blessed!
• Tutoring
• New uni/course – 4 more years to go
• Taking up violin again – after 5 years and thought I’d quit forever
• Been on 2 camps
• Crew? Fun memories doing random things…great fellowship
• Been sick more than I can remember D: older I get the less immunity I have? And I’m not even an adult or 20 yet haha
• One-on-ones with Susana
• Being a KID sometimes…embracing the inner child + MUCH MOREEEEEEEEE!

i wonder what 2010 holds...

last entry of 2009!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

xmas hols

SICK D: been sick for nearly a week now and not better yet. first xmas sick ever.
it's been nearly a month since i updated slack much?

MERRY belated XMAS! remember it was Jesus' birthday most importantly.
happy BOXING day sales. bargain hunting! maybe i'll go later...

when i'm sick though i get:
- new phone = SAME number (just end of old contract)!
- new netbook
- huge box of chocs/jelly bellys at work for us to eat. wish could have enjoyed them more though.

next entry will hopefully about reflecting on a year that was ~ 2009!
it was a very eventful/interesting year!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

intelligence and grades! correlation?

It's interesting that nearly anyone that does well (eg. gets top grades), automatically gets told that you are so smart and/or such a nerd ><. it can get quite annoying.

I don't believe there's a clear correlation between intelligence and grades:
- a person can be seen as 'smart' but can't produce grades due to bad exam techniques, stress, extreme laziness (poor preparation), mind blanks out etc.
- on the other hand an 'average' person may produce top grades because they know how to study/cram well, stress less, spends more time revising, have good exam techniques or luck/educational guesses (eg. MCQ), better time management skills etc.

I do believe that a person would have average or above average intelligence in most cases to achieve good grades. However, a grade is largely a result of what you're able to recall/apply and how you use the time effectively during the exam.

food for thought:
- so what is true intelligence anyway?
- can you really measure it or maybe its a combination of things?

anyway good luck with everyone's results =)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tutoring :)

I'm looking for a new job preferably in the optical industry but also wouldn't mind tutoring kiddies :)

As some of you probably already know, I've been tutoring for one year now and looking for new students as mine have graduated. What better time to tutor when there's 3 months of holidays ahead right?! I also think it's a great time to get ahead in preparation for 2010.

Anyway link is:

(Couldn't fit this link of my msn status thing)

Does anyone know who any primary/high school/uni kids that may possibly need help and therefore may require tutoring? If so, Could you please pass on my details, thanks or give me their details.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


It's been an eventful week since finishing last exams and very tiring i must add.

Highlights of the week:
-bought new family car
-catching up with people haven't seen in ages + new moon (wasn't too bad but LAME)
-maxi DRESS
-BEACH with sote (thank you drivers for taking us to coast yay)
-yf break up (epic fail @ marfia & sardines)
-baptism study & sermon this week were very similar: temptations of satan to hinder us from doing god's work or glorifying him. so much to reflect on! For instance, how easy it is to fall into temptations and make excuses from like praying or reading god's word and ultimately preventing us from putting god first... tiredness, busy with work, uni/exams etc, idols, power of sin (guilt/shame) and so much more. its been such a struggle lately even now that exams are over.

yes, bek fails at updating. must NOT waste hols aimlessly even if that means less blogging =P.

GOT ESV btw and its the depth it goes into and the stuff it has at the back =]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAY for tomorrow =)! *shake*

Monday, November 9, 2009

1 Down, 2 to GO!

first exam finally done! =) left an hour early...epic 3hr 10 min exam.
i really appreciate the prayers and support especially from sisters.
thanks so much guys!!

finish line is emerging fast~4 more days!!! =D
now must focus and stop procrastinating for past 6 hours on msn/pc (record!).
WORK then Play for next 3+ months.

KOORONG TOMORROW night! woot ESV study bible =D yays. get excited over smallest things. feel free to msg me if want anything?

think i'm capped again x( far out.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

wants or needs?

I realise i want/need a quite a few things well for quite some time now:

  • ESV study bible from koorong (20% off now yay) version is awesome but it'd be good to have a copy on hand. it's so useful!! i want to get the non-hardcover version real soon. less procrastination on the net. can't wait to get one even during exams!
  • holiday trip - coast/melbourne/sydney with friends =D
  • netbook for uni with windows 7 or best to stick with xp =S?! my dodgy, extremely slow laptop still doesn't have an 's' key haha. which netbook you guys reckon is good?? i'm liking asus eee 1000H (its less than $500 and has 9.5 hr battery life apparently!!!)
8 days left! epic cram and anti-socialism continues. eye diseases - interesting kinda! so many unknown terms o.O.

toga - hmmm....don't have anything yet.

good luckie everyone with exams. oh & STAY OFF FACEBOOK guys and girls.