Sunday, November 22, 2009


It's been an eventful week since finishing last exams and very tiring i must add.

Highlights of the week:
-bought new family car
-catching up with people haven't seen in ages + new moon (wasn't too bad but LAME)
-maxi DRESS
-BEACH with sote (thank you drivers for taking us to coast yay)
-yf break up (epic fail @ marfia & sardines)
-baptism study & sermon this week were very similar: temptations of satan to hinder us from doing god's work or glorifying him. so much to reflect on! For instance, how easy it is to fall into temptations and make excuses from like praying or reading god's word and ultimately preventing us from putting god first... tiredness, busy with work, uni/exams etc, idols, power of sin (guilt/shame) and so much more. its been such a struggle lately even now that exams are over.

yes, bek fails at updating. must NOT waste hols aimlessly even if that means less blogging =P.

GOT ESV btw and its the depth it goes into and the stuff it has at the back =]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAY for tomorrow =)! *shake*

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